Sign the Taho Community Pledge

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Dear Web3,

We have rights. Let’s protect them.

It doesn’t matter what you read or listen to: these days, everyone is talking about Web3. But when you look past the headlines, something remarkable is unfolding: Web3 is fortifying itself. We’re washing out bad actors and laying the foundation for a new Internet, one that’s owned by all of us. It’s time to get back to basics and remind ourselves why we’re here.

Our Web3 wallets aren’t decentralized.
It’s time to change that.

Your trusty, inconspicuous wallet is your portal to Web3. But the biggest wallets in our ecosystem are controlled by Web2-style megacorporations, and we’re beginning to realize that this has dire implications for our rights and freedoms. Take a look at your wallet and ask yourself: “Who’s monitoring my activity? Can they censor me, block me from accessing my assets, or dictate which protocols or networks I connect to? Who’s getting rich here?” You’ll be surprised by what you find out.

Taho is building the wallet we deserve.

Now imagine a community-owned wallet that actually embodies and protects Web3 values—a wallet that’s available to anyone, anywhere on Earth, that can finance itself, that’s governed by a DAO, and that’s accountable to you, not some faceless corporation. Well, that’s Taho: a Web3 wallet for everyone, built to safeguard your assets and your rights.

Community Values

Our community is not just building a wallet that works. We’re building a wallet that we all believe in. That means:

  • Access for everyone

    You should have direct access to Web3—no matter where you live.

  • Radical transparency

    All code should be 100% open source—for you to copy, fork, or remix.

  • Full community ownership

    Value must flow transparently to you and the community—not corporate insiders.

Sign below to show your support.

These are your rights as a citizen of Web3. If you believe in them, sign this Community Pledge with your Taho wallet. It’s the best way to show support ahead of our DAO launch and it's the first step in becoming a verified member of our community.

Are you in?

Good things come to those who sign 🙌

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